Capacity Planning for Hospital Development


PremiQaMed commissioned dwh GmbH to determine current and future needs for capacity of a new hospital.

For this purpose, the various departments of the hospital were mapped as resources, with the focus on the planning of OR’s (operating rooms) and recovery rooms. Based on historical data, medical expertise and demographic forecasts, the patient numbers for the coming years were estimated. These numbers were used to generate patient flows that run through certain process-pipelines in the hospital and subsequently consume resources. The results of the project were fed used for the planning of a new hospital.

The technical implementation of the project was carried out in two parts. First, the previous static planning was analyzed and a model based on it. This model was developed using the ABT framework developed by dwh, a software tool for implementing individual-based models. In the first stage, the model was parameterized so that the results matched the previous planning results. After that the model was expanded step by step. An interface to Microsoft Excel was implemented for evaluation, so that the further evaluation on the part of the company partner could be carried out in a known tool.