LEO in productive use

We have been working together with ÖBB for several years to optimise rail transport planning and make it more robust. LEO (LokEinsatzOptimierung - locomotive deployment optimisation) supports planners in their day-to-day work by optimising the timetable planning of a reference week with regard to various criteria and can be simulated in the overall system using our software tool.

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BrAIn-Bridge management with AI for sustaiNable engineering

BrAIn is the name of one of our new projects at TU Wien, in which our colleagues Dominik Brunmeir, Benedikt Spiegel and Irene Hafner are involved. BrAIn started in February 2024. The aim of the project is a sustainable transformation of bridge asset management over the entire life cycle through the use of AI and simulations.

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Framework agreement with the ECDC

Together with two partners (Gesundheit Österreich Forschungs- und Planungs- Gmbh (GOeG) and Politechnika Wroclawska), we were selected in an international tendering process for a framework contract with the EU, specifically the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), to calculate new infection models.

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The ''End of the Pandemic'' from a Modeling Perspective

Thus, the termination of modeling does not mean how we assess the situation, but results from a data limitation and is not our decision, but the consequence of political decisions. However, we are very much considering the consequences in the sense of the feedback described above, in order to possibly warn.

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